Tuesday 15 September 2009

i dont know why im writing this now, but i have the desire to revisit my time on the Isle of Wight.....it was a strange chapter...In 2000..I remember wanting to find a home that reflected my identity, as my ex and i had been in renting for all of our relationship...by chance he'd landed a job on the island; giving us the opportunity to find our home...and we did....a tiny little 1800 semi cottage with panoramic sea views that needed lots & lots of love attention and creativity....it was a nice little place...but as i write this ..im kinda thinkin' 'how bizarre that i as a person, finds it very hard to conform..if im asked, told, requested to do, adhere, follow a/some rule, request or order..i will do my best to ignore, avoid or delay what is asked... i am a rebel!! and i love it...as a teenager my pulse was beating to the beat of punk.. Stiff Little fingers, The Clash, The Sex Pistols...Half Man Half Biscuit... My blood wasnt red...it was Tarten!!!
what ever made my parents gasp with horror id absorb it, drink it like the smooth nectar of cider and a larger mix, finished with a splash of black...Glug Glug..lovely lovely Glug....!

so i do believe that my time on the island, was a reflection of me being an outsider to my peers..an alternative thinker...a quirky non conformist that wants to fit in! I endured a year...i found beautiful, creative friends..i touched my hippy side....and i photographed...i photographed Ventnor....which is where i lived, and it has an amazing beauty...a beauty thats almost extinct, like the dinosaur... I like to call it 'Fading Grandeur'


  1. I know that feeling of detesting bland conformity. I've been listening to SLF and the Clash a lot recently too! But I don't have the desire to fit in. My mother used to say, 'I'm not this, that or the other, I'm just me.' That's my desire, to just be me regardless. I have a deep need to find conventions and then overturn them. Rules are made to be challenged, questioned and if necessary refused.

    It's a Sagittarian thing, the desire to be free to be who you are. I have a lot of that going on with me, even tho' I am a Scorpio.

  2. Well I believe that history repeats itself, so there comes a time in every persons life when they may want to go back to the life they were living. They want to find answers to many questions, discovering themselves. Happens, but am not sure whether going back is always good?

