Monday 14 September 2009

well, after a year of 'rest' i am pleased to inform my micro' audience, that i have found employment as a tutor of photography trough Brockenhurst college.
Im a photographer who has stayed loyal to its 'old school'... film based cameras, darkroom development..the majority of 'new photographers out there..i believe have been robbed of the delights, mystery and enchantment of this tradition..
i know the digital age has well and truly got us by the short and curlies...and i too can celebrate the possibilities of editing as you shoot...but where's the suspense?
anyhows...after excepting the post...i was made aware that the course shall be structured upon the digital aspects... :( so with about as much knowledge of photoshop that you could fit into a matchbox...i have purchased photoshop elements and am self teaching.
the man above is my new husband! it was taken the morning after our wedding :) at the chewton glen...very poshe' this image was taken on my phone! but what is so captivating about this shot, is the light that came so strikingly through the window... almost reminiscent of a dutch painting..( i shall be attempting this with oil?)

well ive installed the software into my mac, and have started to disceplin myself to a tutorial a day...this giving me time to practice and perfect my P'shoppin skills...
there is one PS' effect..which takes converts the image to B/W but retains colour in chosen areas...its a simple effect, but i'd always been puzzled to how it can be done...
i now know...
so after three attemps ive mastered one..
the first image has been altered.. the second hasnt...
which do you prefer?......


  1. The second is richer and brighter, with more colour, but the first one feels more natural. Like you tho' I prefer a camera with film and actual lenses. There's enough to learn with that without having more to learn with digital.

  2. The first is more " arty " I like the grey tones...but the second more natural colures. Great pics anyway. Ooh wine for brekkies. I might enroll on your course !!!!

  3. You seem like a master in photography, better to stop photography and start university where you can teach how to select and opt photography as a career. I would like to which you good luck to keep up the same work for your future.

    dsi r4
