Friday 11 September 2009

the last two posts, show the victims so far...i shan't be posting the frog, as it was truly vile!!

im feeling rather fine today, as ive just been approached by the local collage to teach photography on two evening classes :)
so my efforts have not been in vain...i must admit i was beginning to go slightly mad, even though the last year has been rather hectic with family..

so anyhows... here is Pogal..AKA P-Diddy...not sure why we call him that?

Beautiful isnt he...i love him.


  1. Hello !!! I didn't know you had a cat ...I have three now. I wish you happiness in Blogland xxx

  2. Here then is the Pogal Panther,
    Amoral hunter, green of eye
    Sleek of slink unlike a rapper
    Soft of paw, purr like a sigh.

    Is this the killer of mice and vole?
    The slaughterer of pigeons scatty,
    Or the scrabbling in the earth, blind mole?
    Surely this misty shadow delicately catty
    Would not harm a butterfly?
    The birds are glad he cannot fly!

  3. Griffin you have excelled yourself...

  4. I am inspired by the feline shadow, the smoke in feline form... Panthera Smokius!

  5. When you have really worked hard and sincerely, your efforts will never go in wain, your hard work and sincerity will do pay, never the less, it may take some time but will give you fruitful results.

    dsi r4
